
Celebrating 17 years of supporting artisans around the world!


Our products are all ethically sourced, giving the makers the self respect and dignity they deserve while offering you an amazing selection of hand crafted items. Step in to our global market of extraordinary items, and read the stories they have to tell.


Haiti has one of the highest unemployment rates in the Western Hemisphere. As families struggle to survive, the children are most at risk. In the worst situations, parents are faced with a horrible choice...reduce the family or starve. A child may be given away to a family friend or relative for "care", but the brutal fact is that they are in essence placed into servitude. These child slaves are called restaveks, and they have little to be hopeful about for the future. It's critical to keep these "at risk" Haitian families together and protect the future of the children. We're working with individuals and groups with that specific goal in mind. Continuing education and job skills training, emergency medical care & support, community development, small business mentorship, and school tuition assistance are just a few of the benefits for the Haitian artisans.


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